Website Heading

Website Topic Choices

You will choose one of the categories below for a topic for your website. You will then create a section for 4 favourites in this category. 

  • Movies
  • TV Shows
  • Books
  • Anime
  • Video Games
  • Singers
  • Bands
  • Sports Teams

Document title

  1. Click between the TITLE tags and type what you want people to see in the browser tab. Let people know what your website is about, ie "My Favourite Movies" or include your first name, ie "Mary's Top Movies".
  1. Save your file (CTRL+S) or the toolbutton.

Not saved = red...

Saved = blue...

  1. To see your page in Chrome, go to RUN>Launch in Chrome...

It'll just be a blank webpage because we don't have anything on the page yet, but you should see your Document Title show up in the title bar in Chrome.

WEbsite Heading (h1)

Type out what your website will be about (2-4 words) after the green "PAGE HEADER" comment; add an empty line before it.

Add heading tag H1 around your heading as shown in the example below:

If you click on either of the tags, they should turn purple (means you've closed it properly).

Save your page and see how it looks in Chrome.

Refresh your webpage using the Refresh button or keyboard shortcut F5.


At some point if you look in your website folder, you'll see an extra "debug" file - this is a new glitch with Chrome, it doesn't affect anything - just ignore it.

Get your computer set up and files checked so far by the teacher - keep Notepad and Chrome open.