Section #1

Section Heading

All of the page content is typed between the green comment tags for PAGE CONTENT.

Add extra empty lines using the Enter key so it's easy to see where sections start & end.

  • Type out your first topic (leave an empty line after the green comment so it's easy to read your code).
  • Then add H2 tags around it, making sure to close it.
  • Save and see how it looks - it should be bold but smaller than your page heading.

Bulleted List

add UL tags

  1. Start by adding the opening UL tag.
    (with an empty line after the heading - probably on line 20)
  2. Add 12 empty lines between them for your list items.
  3. On the next line (line 33), add the closing UL tag (make sure they turn purple).

type out list items for your topic

Type out what facts you want to include for your topic/section. 

  • Choose at least 6, include at least one that can have a sublist (>>). 
  • Type them out including ":"
  • Add a space with the Space Bar before typing the specific info for your section topic


  • Add a sublist, using the TAB key to indent it; type out at least 4 list items for that heading
  • You need to have a total of at least 10 list items!

Here's my example...

If you save and look at your webpage, it's all indented but no bullets yet, just run together...

Below are suggested list headings for your topic...


  1. Year Released
  2. Genre
  3. Box Office
  4. Length
  5. Rating
  6. Director
  7. Cast >>


  1. Author
  2. Genre
  3. Books in Series
    (or Volumes)
  4. Setting
  5. Length
  6. Year
  7. Characters >>


  1. Year Started
  2. Seasons
  3. Genre
  4. Network
  5. Ratings
  6. Cast >>


  1. Release Date
  2. Genre
  3. Developer
  4. Engine
  5. Price
  6. Ratings
  7. Platform >>
  8. Consoles >>
  9. Characters >>


  1. Where From
  2. Genre
  3. Age
  4. Record Label
  5. Year Started 
    (or Years Active)
  6. Awards (>>)
  7. Band Members >>
  8. Albums >>
  9. Favourite Songs >>


  1. Year Started
  2. Location
  3. Coach
  4. Owner
  5. Division
  6. Championships >>
  7. Players >>

add LI tags

Now add LI tags so it actually looks like a list.

  • Type out one LI tag before the first list item.
  • Select it and copy (CTRL+C).
  • Click at the beginning of each list item's text and paste it (CTRL+V).

Save and take a look. There should be a bullet in front of each list item...


  • For the sublist(s), add an empty line and type out an opening UL tag, and add a closing tag at the end of it - make sure they turn purple!

So in my example, my list now looks like this...

make list headings bold

  • Add opening bold tags <B> at the beginning of each list heading. Remember, you can copy one B tag and paste it where you need to.
  • Add the closing bold tags </B> after the list heading's colon, before the specific info. 
  • Make sure there is still a space is after the closing B tag! 

If there are no spaces after the closing B tag, like this...

...then there will be no space between the list headings and then info, making it hard to read! If you have this, you need to fix it (click after the colon and add a space).

Here are some other examples...


Video Games


  • Now type out a paragraph of about 4-6 sentences.
  • Add an extra empty line before you start typing, after your list's closing UL tag
  • Make sure to add opening and closing P tags around it - they should turn purple
  • Make sure you have extra empty lines before the green closing comment

When you save and see how it looks, you should have text on at least 5 lines.

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