More sections

Section #2


  • [Enter] so there are about 10-20 empty lines before the green comment and other code at the bottom.
  • Leaving about 10 empty lines after the closing paragraph tag for the previous section, type out the topic heading for the new section
  • Add the opening and closing H2 tags around it.


  • Select the list you have for the first section (from the opening UL to the closing UL) and copy (CTRL+C).
  • Then paste it after your heading in the new section (CTRL+V).
  • Then just change the new topic's info (the highlighted parts) - make sure you still have a space after the closing bold tags!
  • Make sure you still have enough list items (at least 10) - you can add more LIs for the sublist if you want.


  • On the 2nd empty line after the closing list, type out a paragraph with opening and closing P tags.
  • View in your browser - make sure it has text on at least 5 lines.

So if you see your page, this section looks the same as the first section but has text specific for the new topic.

Section #3 & #4

Repeat the same process:

  1. Start by adding about 10 empty lines before each section so it's easy to see where each section begins in the code. 
  2. Heading (H2): add the topic heading and add H2 tags around it. 
  3. Lists (UL, LI): copy the list code you already have and paste it after your heading in the new section.
  4. Then change the info after the closing bold tags (B) - make sure you still have the space before the text.
  5. Also make sure you still have at least 4 list items (LI) in your sublist (or at least 10 total in your main and sublist).
  6. Then type out a paragraph with P tags wrapped around it. Make sure the text takes up at least 5 lines when you view your page in Chrome.

Your page should look something like this...

When you've finished your 4 sections, get it checked off before continuing...