TUTORIAL: Pictures

image tag

The HTML <img> tag is used to embed an image in a web page. Images are not technically inserted into a web page; images are linked to web pages. The <img> tag creates a holding space for the referenced image.

  • The <img> tag does not have a closing tag.
  • The <img> tag has two required attributes:
    • src - Specifies the path to the image
    • alt - Specifies an alternate text for the image (if people are visually impaired, they have a browser that reads what's on the page so this would describe the image)

Note: in our webpage project we won't add the alt description or the closing slash. 

image file types

  • The most common photo type/extension = .jpg
  • If it doesn't work, check the file type - you can see the type in the folder. Other common extensions/types = .png / .gif

image size

You can use the width and height attributes. It's best to just use one or the other so your image stays proportional (doesn't get stretched or squished).

if working from home, using w3schools...

  • If you're working from home using w3schools, you will skip the next page of instructions.
  • Instead of saving the pictures to your computer, you will use links to the images.
  • While you won't be saving them into a folder, as you search, make sure you're finding the right type of pictures:
    • Bottom pics = horizontal/wide type of picture
    • Side Pics = vertical/square type of picture

In a new tab in Chrome, search for a picture for your first topic. 

  •  When you find a picture you like, click on the thumbnail and see how it looks in the preview. Make sure it's clear, not blurry!
  • The other thing is the size. Is it big enough? Check the first #:
    • wide/horizontal type of picture = at least 500px width
    • tall/vertical/square type of picture = at least 250px width

When you found a picture you want to use, right-click on the preview and “Copy image address”.

In your code, paste the image address (CTRL+V) between the quotation marks.

  • Make sure it's not a super long link (if it is, make sure you are copying the preview, not the thumbnail which = search page). 
  • If it is, undo (CTRL+Z) and try another one
  • The link should end with "jpg" or "png" or "gif".