Word Set up (From home)

The new version of Word has a lot more tools on the toolbars so we are going to simplify them. As you can see below, there are lots of tabs and on the Home tab, there are lots of buttons we won't be using (that are more for if you're on a tablet).

We'll be customizing the ribbon so you have fewer tabs and each tab has less buttons so it's easier to find the tool buttons you will need to use.

Go to File > Options...

On the left choose Customize Ribbon ... 

Uncheck the boxes for the tabs we won't be needing, keeping only the following tabs:

  • Home
  • Insert
  • Design
  • Layout
  • Review
  • View

The quickest way is to import a file with all the settings done. Click on Import/Export and choose "Import"

Then expand the Home tab, click on "Styles" section and Remove

Keep clicking on the remove button until you only have these 3 sections left (Clipboard, Font and Paragraph).

Do the same for the other tabs (Insert, Review, and View) and Remove sections you won't need so you're only left with the sections shown. Your tabs & sections should look like this...

Then click on OK. When it asks you to replace previous customizations, say Yes.

Make sure you only see these tabs.

So now on your Home tab you will see only these 3 sections...