Course Outline

This course is part of the Applied Skills 7 rotation (~20 classes/8 weeks). Students will work on developing basic skills in word processing, presentations and graphics. Each student is expected to use class time wisely and ask for help when needed. 


Students will receive a rubric sheet with their report card detailing their progress in the objectives/skill areas for each unit. The levels are:

  • No participation: student missed those skills due to absence, did not complete that part of the assignment or project due to lack of focus/time, or did not make enough progress on a project to get to this skill area.
  • Emerging: student made some progress in this skill area
  • Developing: student made good progress in this skill area; needed help
  • Applying: student completed all steps with some correction/help
  • Extending: student completed all steps without help


Students will save and upload snapshots of their assignments to an online portfolio (Fresh Grade). Parents will receive an email invitation to log in to their child’s account; alternatively, parents can have their child log in to their portfolio at home.

Assignments & Objectives:


4 daily assignments, 5 classes; focus is on using tables for layout

  • FONTS (type, size, style), Format Painter, clear formatting
  • PARAGRAPH spacing, alignment, lists
  • INSERT pictures, move/resize, text wrapping
  • TABLES: inserting, adjusting, distributing columns/rows, cell alignment, borders & shading
  • PAGE LAYOUT: filling up page, using Ruler to adjust margins


"year in review" presentation project, 6 classes, 4 stages

  • BASICS: titles, text, layouts
    PICTURES: finding good quality pictures, resizing;
    SONGS: insert, trim, play in background, 2-3 slides only
  • DESIGN: theme, layouts, using Slide Master to set templates (headings, text, box sizes & positions)
  • TRANSITIONS: add transitions, make self-running (advance slides after .. seconds), set up slide show
  • ANIMATIONS: animate text & pictures (pictures come in automatically with matching bullets)


3 daily assignments (tessellations), 3 classes

  • DRAWING: shapes,
  • SELECTING: selection tool, free-form selection, copying and pasting, rotating, moving into position

3 assignments, 4 classes

  • LAYERS: insert new layers, move layers up/down, duplicate and merge layers;
  • DRAWING: Brush, Eraser, Line/Curve tools;
  • SHAPES: using different shapes, draw with outline only, fill only or both, rotate and adjust sizes;
  • COLORS: set colors, using Paint Bucket and Gradient tools, use adjustments menu;
  • EFFECTS: blurs, distortions

Office 365

Students have a school district email address that they can use to email teachers and log in to Microsoft online.

  • Email:
  • Password:  network password

While it’s best that students work on assignments during class where they can get help whenever they need, students are able to work on most assignments from home. They can install Office 365 programs on a home computer (saving the files into OneDrive). If they've started working on the assignment at school, they'll need to save a copy into OneDrive (or a USB drive). The login is the student’s SD33 email.