List Photos

Find a good quality photo for each bullet on your list slides.

  • make sure they're not covering any text (move/smaller)
  • make the pictures as big as possible 
  • resize using the corner handles so they stay proportional (not stretched or squished). 

How to fill your slides

resize text box?

For Births/Deaths slide, you may want to adjust the width of your text box so you can make you pictures bigger, filling up more of the slide. Just make sure you resize the text box, but do NOT move the text box up or to the left! 

  • narrower = you have more room on the right, or 
  • wider = you can fit your pictures underneath the list

re-order bullets?

You may want to re-order your bullets so the bullet with the shortest text goes last (giving you more room for your pictures at the bottom).

don't cover any text

If you have any text being covered by a photo, you can:

  • move shorter bullets to the bottom to add room
  • change bullet order so a picture can show up first/behind other photos
  • make the text box wider

empty areas?

Make sure the bottom right of your slide is filled with a picture; then fill up beside and above that. If you're going to have an empty area, make it at the top of the slide or under the list. 

Get your pictures checked.