
movie info

Open the Movie Info page in another tab.


Go to the LAYOUT tab and change page Orientation to "Landscape".

Zoom out to 80%..

  1. Select all the info for one of the movie types including the heading.
  2. Right-click and Copy (CTRL+C).
  3. In your document, Paste (CTRL+V)

Select all (CTRL+A) and set text to default using the Clear Formatting button.

So now all your text is the default Calibri size 11

Font Types

First select the page heading and change the font type to Lucida Handwriting size 28.

Now select the first row and also set it to Lucida Handwriting, size 18.

Select the rest of the table text/rows and make them font type Lucida Bright, size 14.

Table Set up

Make the first column wider, lining up with the left of the "5".

Select the other 5 columns... 

... and Distribute Columns Evenly using the Layout tab (or right-click).

The other columns should now be the same width...

  1. We need an empty row for photos (below the movie names, above the years).
  2. Click in any cell in the 2nd or 3rd row and go to Layout... 
  3. Then Insert Above or Insert Below.

Table Formatting


Select all the text (CTRL+A)... and go to Paragraph options ... 

  • Line Spacing to Single
  • Paragraph Spacing to 6pt before & after
  • Make the checkbox empty (not shaded or checked)!


Select the entire table...

Go to the Table Design tab and go to Styles... and select one of the styles shown below.

If you click off your table, you should now have something like this.

Cell alignment

Select the entire table again and go to Layout ... change alignment to middle-middle.

Page heading

Click anywhere on the page heading and center it.

Bottom margin

Using the Ruler, pull down the Bottom Margin to 1/2".


Right-click and Copy the photos below and Paste them into the empty row in your table.

With the pictures pasted, it should look like this...


Click in the empty cell in the first column for the Year row and go to Insert > Icons...

Search for "calendar" and choose this icon...

Insert it and resize it from a corner circle so it's smaller, more like this...

  • For the Duration row, search for "clock" and insert this icon. 
  • For the Actors row, search for "profile" and choose this icon.
  •  For the Rating row, search for "star" and choose this icon. 

Resize them down like this...

One page

Go to the empty line after the table and Clear Formatting (so it becomes smaller and doesn't have as much paragraph spacing.

If it's still not fitting on 1 page, you will need to make the icons smaller (year, clock or star) until everything fits on one page, there's no extra blank page. Make sure the icons are similar size, not one way smaller than the others.

And you're done.