
Slide #1

Double-click on the first slide to get into Normal View.

Click in the subtitle box and add your first and last name

which slides keeping?

Delete slides you don't want to use, so you have a total of 6 slides, keeping 1 slide in each section:

  1. Movies
  2. TV
  3. Births/Deaths
  4. News
  5. More

Remove Sections

Now that you're done all your lists, you need to remove the sections so all the slides are together. On the HOME tab, use the Section toolbutton and select Remove All Sections...

Add new slides

Make sure you're on your last slide (#6).

Now add 6 new slides at the end so you have a total of 12.

Last Slide (#12)

On the last slide (#12), type in "The End" and "Thanks for watching".

Change the Layout for the last slide to 'Title'.

Click before "End" and [Enter] so it's on the next line.

3 bullets only

Reduce the list on each slide to keep 3 bullets only.