Insert a new layer.
Use the Line/Curve tool, set to thickness 10px ...
Draw a straight line across the middle of your canvas, not too wide...
Pull down the middle 2 points to create something like this...
Draw another line connecting the top points like this...
Pull up the middle 2 points to create the top of the body like this...
If you click off and the connections aren't smooth, CTRL+Z and adjust the end points. When you're happy with your body shape, rename the layer.
Move the body shape over and down so there's room for the feathers at the top and back later. Use the Move Selected Pixels tool and Enter or CTRL+D when you're done to get rid of the dotted outline.
Set colors to default again and switch your colors for white is the primary color...
Now deselect (CTRL+D).
Now we want to select the area outside the body so we invert our selection - you can use the keyboard shortcut CTRL+I or use the Edit menu.
Make sure the chin layer is selected (not the body).
Then use the Delete key (not Backspace) to delete the white outside the body area.
If you CTRL+D to get rid of the dotted outline, and show the Background layer you have this...
Use the Ellipse shape tool - set the thickness to 5 - set to draw outline and fill.
Draw an oval/circle for the eye...
Click off to set the circle.
Then change the Ellipse to fill only...
... and draw a pupil.
Move both eyes where you want them - they should be on the right side of the face, not in the middle.
Use the Trapezoid shape tool - set to fill only...
Draw a trapezoid - rotate and size it over the first eye...
Then draw the bottom part of the beak using 3 lines (closed mouth) or 4 lines (open)...
Insert a new layer at the top, call it "feather top".
Make sure colors are default - black = primary.
Then select the Shape tool - and set it to the 6-pointed star. Draw a star.
Now go up to the Effects menu and then choose Distort>Twist... play with the center and settings to get something like this...
Then select the area around the shape using the Rectangle Select tool and then use the Move Selected Pixels tool to move it over and rotate it to be what you want.
Deselect (CTRL+D) and move the layer down below the body fill layer...
Duplicate the feather layer. Go to Layer>Flip Vertical...
Select the tail shape with the Rectangle Select tool. Then use the Move Selected Pixels tool to move and rotate it into position...
CTRL+D to deselect and you should have something like this...
If you want to adjust the colors of any of the your layers - just select the layer, go up to the Adjustments menu and choose "Hue/Saturation" - play with the hue or saturation sliders. In my example, I'll select the body layer and make it a brighter yellow.
Choose a purple color.
Select the Gradient tool.
Make the Background layer active and drag the gradient from top to bottom...
Click off somewhere and you're done. Save it!