Page files

Make copies

  1. Go into your website folder in Z:
  2. Select "home" and copy (CTRL+C).
  3. Paste 5 copies (CTRL+V).
  4. Rename 1 file for backup as "webpageBU".
  5. Rename 4 files for your sections/topics. Give each a short file name:

    • just lower case letters (no capitals)
    • one to two words, no spaces
    • no special characters/punctuation

Open pages in Notepad

  1. In Notepad, go to File>Open or use the toolbutton
  2. Select your section files (hold CTRL and click on each subpage for your 4 topics).
  3. Then click on Open.

order tabs

When they're all open, you'll see all the tabs near the top...

Drag the tabs to re-order them (left-to-right):

  1. home
  2. section/topic 1
  3. section/topic 2
  4. section/topic 3
  5. section/topic 4

Clean up pages

pages 1-4: CONTENT

  • Zoom out so you can see each section using CTRL+Scroll Wheel 
  • For each topic page, you will be selecting code between these green comment tags you don't need for that page and then deleting it.
  • Click and drag from the beginning of each section down to the bottom of it and Delete
  • Don't select/delete the bottom code (green comment and below)

  • You should be left with the heading, list, paragraph, etc for that page only between the green comment tags for PAGE CONTENT
  • Save each page as you go and see how it looks (Run>Launch in Chrome). Make sure you have all the content for that page (that you didn't delete too much or the wrong stuff). If you deleted too much, CTRL+Z and try again.
  • To get back to default view again in Notepad, CTRL+Num/

home page: CONTENT

On the home page, delete everything for all the sections in the CONTENT section except the IMG tags for the side pictures.

Then make the following changes inside each IMG tag:

  1. change the word width to height
  2. change the amount to 180
  3. delete the align attribute

Check how this looks in the browser. The pictures should all fit on one line now...

Lastly, we'll add CENTER tags around the pictures so they'll be centered on the page.

Have all your pages open in Notepad and Chrome and get them checked off.