Background Image

save picture

Find a background tiling image from this site:

Then click on "Show Me More" for Patterns, Textures or a Color 

When you find one you might like, first Preview it and then Download the file.

Once you download it, go to the bottom-left of your Chrome window and Show in Folder.

Then copy the file. Navigate to your website folder and paste it in there.

As you do the next step, keep in mind that you can easily see what the file name and type of your picture is by looking at the bottom-left of your Chrome window...

CSS: body

Then in your style sheet, go into body and add an empty line...

  • type out the property background-image:
  • after the colon, add a space, then type out url(""); 
  • make sure to include a semicolon ; at the end or it won't work!
  • click between the quotation marks and type out the name and file type of the image 

Save your style sheet and take a look at any of your webpages in Chrome. 

If you like it, go to the next page of instructions using the button below

If not, try out some more pictures; I found this grey one I liked. 

If you've downloaded and tried out a few different pictures, make sure to clean up your website folder, deleting any background images you won't be using.